First come the warnings, then comes the apocalypse
Why nothing that's about to happen as the COVID-19 Pandemic accelerates should come as even the tiniest bit of a surprise.
Dan Sirotkin is the co-author of the first peer-reviewed paper examining a laboratory origin for SARS-CoV-2, as well as its addendum, which settled a 50-year mystery and formally linked the H1N1 Spanish Flu pandemic strain release of 1977 to gain-of-function research.
Human societies have this pesky habit of repeating the patterns of the past, history repeating or rhyming or however you want to describe it. And so about two-and-a-half years ago after it became clear that SARS-CoV-2 is best described as airborne HIV since it’s another reverting live-attenuated vaccine (LAV), pretty soon I got drawn into all of the history around the Late Bronze Age Collapse of a couple thousand years ago, since it seemed like it might serve as something of a parallel to what’s about to happen to our modern civilization.
Unfortunately for humanity, all of that excitement a couple thousand years ago at best serves as a very quiet prelude for what’s about to happen.
So perhaps it’s not a coincidence that the best way to understand the final act of the Ten Plagues of Egypt, which has long been linked to the Late Bronze Age Collapse, is to see Azrael as the emergence of a highly-pathogenic virus zoonotically jumping out of the herds in the spring after a long winter. And the other side of that is that Passover can then be understood as history’s first LAV, wiping blood on doorframes to weaken the pathogens within and ingesting viral samples damaged by heat and the antiviral properties of hyssop, closely mimicking how Science’s first official LAV was accidentally discovered from chicken blood infected with cholera and left out in the sun.
And so if Yahweh’s oldest and most sacred tradition can be understood as a live-attenuated vaccine protocol meant to defend against a predictable foe, but one which was amplified by the drought conditions of the Late Bronze Age Collapse enough to bring the Pharaoh to his knees and save God’s children, what do you think happens if humanity spits in God’s face and attempts to monetize this sacred ceremony by making a LAV that isn’t needed at all?
Well, for a really long time folks have been interpreting that whole Adam and Eve thing as a prohibition against any genetic engineering at all, with all of the obvious ties to the idea of divine knowledge and “playing God.” And Yahweh seemed a little bit irritated after that prohibition about the apple was violated, so perhaps there aren’t exactly happy times ahead.
Just how unhappy things are going to get for you is going to depend on some combination of luck and how curious you’ve been, but what we’ve known as this modern world can’t possible keep functioning exactly as it has for very much longer, because with the emergence of yet another variant it means SARS-CoV-2’s quasispecies swarm has rebuilt one more limb of its horrible viral Voltron as it reassembles itself back into its original highly-pathogenic form as it works itself back into it’s original V-1000 form.
And yet absolutely none of what’s about to happen should come as even the slightest surprise - since you were warned in very great detail about what was coming and why it would happen over the course of several years. If you haven’t done whatever you can to help spread these warnings around on whatever social media platforms you have access to, now might be a good time to start.
January 31, 2020 - “Logistical and Technical Exploration into the Origins of the Wuhan Strain of Coronavirus (COVID-19)”
“At best, Daszak is perhaps acting as an unwitting agent of the Chinese government, but regardless holds an enormous conflict-of-interest. And if nothing else, it is wildly irresponsible to speak-out against the possibility that the virus got out of a lab when a natural origin has not been conclusively demonstrated. Daszak’s statement in The Lancet is either incompetence, or is meant to be a smokescreen for the wanton hubris and greed that have fueled the dual-use or “gain-of-function” research detailed below: As one possible related project which may have overlapped with this one, coronaviruses have been seen as a viable vector for an HIV vaccine for years – a project with hundreds of millions of dollars dangling over it.”
And unfortunately Daszak is far from alone, there are countless “journalists” mindlessly regurgitating statements from the Chinese government and the WHO with no effort to fact-check whatsoever, as well as “scientists” whose real job is running PR for pharmaceutical and research companies who have spent weeks serving China by making extraordinarily misleading and overconfident statements to the public about the origins and capabilities of this virus. As far back as 2015, Chinese labs were reported to have been involved with dual-use gain-of-function research, mixing and matching viral genomes in the lab, research that accelerated after the Chinese military made a massive push to expand their biotechnological capabilities. And it should be noted that in 2018, the esteemed scientific journal Nature – which has published numerous articles speciously claiming this virus is definitely natural – was revealed to have buckled to censorship demands from the Chinese government, killing over 1,000 articles to placate their Chinese partners.
Many involved in this dissimulation are effectively acting as agents of a foreign government, and they have left most Americans entirely unprepared for the tragedy that’s beginning to occur in our nursing homes and hospitals. If the idea that just maybe this thing came from a lab had been part of the national dialogue from the start – wouldn’t everyone have been much more cautious and open to social distancing and other limitations once the need arose?
Simply and horribly, this is likely to become another Chernobyl or Fukushima – a catastrophic illustration of mankind’s hubris and intransigence clashing with Nature, as fate again reaps a once unimaginably tragic toll.
An immediate international moratorium on all dual-use gain-of-function research must be instated and all existing experimentation must be autoclaved, only greed and hubris have ever been served by attempting this type of genetic manipulation. Humanity does not need a vaccine against HIV derived from a coronavirus, nor do we need to be tinkering with genetic material that holds the potential to wipe a significant percentage of us off the face of the Earth.
Failure to embrace such a ban may effectively become a death sentence for our species, assuming we aren’t already on our last mile.
March 19, 2020 - “China owns Nature magazine’s ass: Debunking ‘The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2’ claiming COVID-19 definitely wasn’t from a lab.”
Nature magazine has censored over 1,000 articles at the request of the Chinese government over the past several years, and runs columns sponsored by outside interests. And it seems pretty clear that their recent article, “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2” is just one more example of their influence. China bought off the head of Harvard’s chemistry department, you don’t think they could buy off run-of-the-mill research scientists scrambling for tenure and funding and publication? It’s absolutely horrific that so many scientists and researchers are taking part in what’s really clearly a disinformation campaign orchestrated by the Chinese Communist Party, and willfully spreading a smokescreen about something that’s already killed thousands and is projected to kill millions more across the planet.
This efficient solution is exactly the kind of thing that would be selected for after passage through animals in lab, which was already done to the Bird Flu that created a horrifically virulent strain. Isn’t it funny that no one’s mentioning that experiment? Or Baric’s work at UNC? How come every single public-facing virologist seems to be leaving these studies out? Are they really unaware of them? That seems exceedingly hard to believe when I was able to find them on the front page of a single google search. Seems a lot more likely everyone’s just covering each other’s asses since they realize the magnitude of what’s happening and how deep into the cover-up they already are.
As we’ve explained before, there was no trace of this virus before November 2019, and full zoonotic jumps don’t just magically happen, especially not of a virus that’s so incredibly adapted to humans and able to infect us undetected and spread undetected, and then kill us after more than enough time has passed to find multiple new hosts. It’s funny so many virologists are throwing out the book of how zoonotic jumps happen… all that money in dual-use gain-of-function research must be quite blinding. Kind of amazing they don’t care how many thousands of people are dying. As far as the intermediate animal host goes: It might as well be a unicorn at this point. Until someone finds it, it’s just conjecture.
March 23, 2020 - “No monkey ever reheated a frozen burrito” – What The Expanse tells us about the COVID-19 pandemic and serial passage gain-of-function research.”
Over the past several months, thousands of humans have lost their lives since COVID-19 kicked-off its killing spree in Wuhan, and barring an absolute miracle hundreds of thousands more all across the planet will join them in the months to come.
And oddly, even though there is nothing even beginning to approach conclusive evidence that COVID-19 was a naturally emergent strain that made its way out of an intermediate animal host and into humans, the general consensus in the media and the public seems to be that exploring its origins is something only done by people who’ve yet to buy that the Earth is in fact round and that we actually did land on the moon. And everyone seems to be okay with the fact that the scientists crowing the loudest about a natural origin, are the ones directly involved with the type of research that likely spawned this virus: Gain-of-function, or “dual-use” research that meant to push Nature past her limits, so that humans can harness her to create monsters that would never occur naturally.
If leading up to 1977, the fact that increased research into strains of the flu were seen to increase the odds that an accidental leak would occur, why isn’t the same logic being applied to our pandemic today? Why is almost everyone today assuming that the increased pace of research means scientists in fact anticipated this outbreak instead of causing it?
Wouldn’t an increased pace of research also increase the odds that a leak of a lab-modified coronavirus would occur just like an increased pace of research precipitated the leak of the H1N1 Swine Flu back then?
And as far back as 2015, Chinese labs were reported to have been involved with dual-use gain-of-function research after the Chinese military made a massive push to expand their biotechnological capabilities, swapping around viral genomes in the lab to try to create the most virulent strain possible. Additionally, studies examining COVID-19’s infectivity in ferrets found that it spreads readily among them, and also appears airborne in that animal model, lending support to the idea that ferrets were used for serial passage.
Bill Gates might want to be an effective philanthropist really bad, and he may have been amazing at designing computer software and undercutting his competition – however that doesn’t a philanthropist make. After all, beyond the questionable tactics practiced by many of the vaccination programs he’s funded, his very well-intentioned attempt to save lives by providing insecticidal mosquito-nets was ultimately destructive: many of the villagers provided with the mosquito-nets decided they were better used as fishing-nets, resulting in food shortages due to over-fishing from the fact the nets smaller weave caught far too many juvenile fish, undercutting population growth.
Seemed like a good idea at the time, right? Just like all those untested vaccines that were rushed into distribution?
Previous research done in the Wuhan lab looking at inserting HIV-like segments into coronaviruses that also target the ACE2 receptor may also have played a role in the creation of COVID-19. One possible reason for these HIV-like segments is that they were meant to be epitopes, or molecular flags meant to mark intruders for a vaccine to target – meaning the Wuhan Strain was built as a monster for a specific vaccine to hunt. It is mathematically possible for this to happen in nature – but only in a ten-thousand bats chained to ten-thousand Petri dishes and given until infinity sense. Alternatively, this pattern could also be produced by infecting a room full of ferrets or tree shrews with a bespoke coronavirus and sifting through the wreckage for your genomic needle.
The current push to get the economy back on track leads only to human carnage, rushing back into the virus’s maws can’t possibly lead anywhere good. Slowing down to get the full picture of what’s going on is apparently off the table, as is any sort of reasoned discussion about how to save the most lives while still being able to keep the economy in stasis until the pandemic is under control. And so America will be forever changed by this pandemic, as our once-trusted institutions lead us directly to slaughter.
August 12, 2020 - “Might SARS‐CoV‐2 Have Arisen via Serial Passage through an Animal Host or Cell Culture?”
Two additional unique genomic signature are already being researched, as one preprint indicates that SARS‐CoV‐2 possesses a genomic region not found in other coronaviruses that appears to cloak the novel coronavirus from white blood cells, a characteristic also found with HIV.[ 52 ] And the second preprint identifies a region on the spike‐protein gene found in no other bat‐borne coronavirus that is nearly identical to superantigenic and neurotoxic motifs found in some bacteria, which may contribute to the immune overreaction that leads to the Kawasaki‐like multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, and cytokine storms in adults.
However, just as an increased pace of research into influenza vaccines increased the odds that a leak would occur leading up to the 1977 release of H1N1 Swine Flu, which is the most often cited as originating from a laboratory leak,[ 8 ] it would follow that an increased pace of research into coronaviruses over the past few years would have increased the odds that a lab leak of one would occur; after all, these viruses were pinpointed back in 2006 as a viable vector for an HIV vaccine[ 57 ] and research into a pan‐coronavirus vaccine has been ongoing for decades.
And whether or not gain‐of‐function research is determined to have played a role in SARS‐CoV‐2's emergence, the fact that it creates opportunities for pandemic viruses to leak out of labs calls for a re‐examination of the moratorium against this practice, because the emergence of this novel coronavirus has demonstrated that the international public health community is not prepared to handle the leak of a pandemic virus.
April 1, 2021 - “Golden Silkworms in Pandora's Box: Why understanding COVID-19 and Seasonal Influenza as Quasispecies Mutant Swarms reveals the Quantum Origins and Cryptic Fates of Human Pandemics.”
SPOILER ALERT: SARS-CoV-2 is a circulating vaccine-derived-coronavirus (cVDCV) borne from work originally done at UNC, the only institution on earth that’s publicly been attempting to design a live-attenuated vaccine for SARS, where they also pioneered engineering the SARS-like chimeric coronaviruses that would be needed as templates for attenuation, and did their best to ignore or circumvent restrictions on gain-of-function research – obfuscation that’s still ongoing as they refuse to disclose genomic details relating to lab accidents that occurred during the above publicly-funded research.
Notorious researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology were associated with this controversial work on coronaviruses, and attempted to continue it with an experimental oral live-attenuated SARS-like vaccination program for the Chinese Military without accounting for the quantum nature of the underlying quasispecies behavior – once they realized what was going on and deattenuation was already occurring out-of-control after the Wuhan Military Games, they reopened contact with Dr. Charles Lieber due to his work on virus-distinguishing nanowires, eventually leading to his arrest and the beginning of the largest and most coordinated cover-up in world history.
Carried-out by the pharmaceutical and defense entities involved in this research, both of which want attention pulled away from serial passage and experimental vaccine work, as do the billionaire class that wants to use gain-of-function research for unrestricted tinkering into the human genome at the Broad Institute.
And with any virus, but especially with coronaviruses, it’s important to keep in mind that hidden within their large genomes are entire suites of accessory genes which only appear functional while actually living inside their hosts, in vivo, and whose function won’t be observable within the virtual environment in lab Petri dishes, in vitro: “the coronavirus group-specific genes are not essential for growth in cell culture but function in virus-host interactions.”
Incidentally, another paper attempting to immunize against that highly-airborne coronavirus goes on to explain that when an experimental spike-protein only vaccine was tried against a highly-airborne feline coronavirus - immunoglobulin was thrown out of wack and 80% of the kittens it was administered to died inside a month. But don’t worry, Big Pharma has crossed its collective fingers and is hoping really, really hard that this exact same phenomenon doesn’t occur at some point down the road within human populations vaccinated with a spike-protein only vaccine against our novel highly-airborne coronavirus.
But this effect can’t be expected to appear immediately with SARS-CoV-2, since like all deattenuating LAVs it won’t reach full virulence until it’s fully reconstituted itself back to its original full-strength form - an enigmatic process that’s explained below, and which is still ongoing as transmission events occur in their millions all across the Earth.
And so in the case of COVID-19, its unusual asymptomatic spread made isolating infectious individuals impossible except in the most diligent nations, and so that element of ideal vaccination programs has been impossible for most of the world. But, luckily for humanity, a massive semi-collaborative international effort occurred to produce vaccines, including a brand new class of mRNA vaccine that skipped the final stage of animal testing because it was just so gosh-darn awesome. And so humans responded to a crisis the way we almost always do, applying our ingenuity to push back against yet another threat from nature, determined to impose our indomitable will one more time.
Because certainly, humans are smarter than chickens on poultry farms running around infecting and shitting all over each other, and humanity won’t end up in the same Sisyphean immunological cycle of never-ending illness and death. Weird that poultry farms made Soylent Green come true, and they’re actually fed each other’s carcasses.
Wonder if there’s a message there.
And just as the 1977 Longpig Flu endemic was the result of a virus altered by serial passage almost certainly in the attempt to design a live-attenuated military vaccine, an outbreak that served for decades in the literature as a warning against viral gain-of-function research since the risks involved were simply too high - so too was our ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic sparked by a live-attenuated military vaccine program gone-wrong, that was subsequently covered-up by a Communist nation.
After all, as the godfather of gain-of-function ferret-work himself Ron Fouchier noted rather presciently in July of 2019 during the European Congress of Virology, a few months before the start of the Wuhan Military Games:
“That’s what happened in the 70s, people were trying to do live-attenuated vaccines and doing human challenge studies and that might be the way the H1 re-emerged in the 70s. Some people say it was a lab accident. I don’t believe that. I think it was actually human challenge studies and live-attenuated vaccines that reverted that are the likely candidates of the 1970 reemergence of H1. And we need to make sure that doesn’t happen again.”
May 18, 2021 - “The Ex-con Who Kicked the Idiots’ Nest: Court documents indicate Matt Ridley and Alina Chan’s alleged involvement in a corruption and bribery scheme aimed to cover-up the origins of COVID-19.”
Given all that, it’s been sorta just hilarious to have a bunch of folks come along and think they can offer bribes to other scientists to have them remove me and my father from a paper that we worked on covering a laboratory engineered origin of this pandemic - a topic we have been months in front of absolutely everyone publishing about - while running around discussing my case behind my back and slandering me, without there ever being a consequence.
And beyond that popularized writing, which was featured all over Zero Hedge in the early months of 2020 getting millions of hits, the article we submitted for peer reviewed scientific publication in on April 22nd, 2020 ended up being published in August 2020 - it lays out the long history of engineered viruses escaping from labs, and explains why serial passage almost certainly accounts for the mysterious elements of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
I am the grandson of an immigrant, who’s starting to think that grandpa should’ve hiked his two-year old britches up and turned right the fuck back around at Ellis Island, given what America has become. And so the thing is, even though a representative of the United States Government conveyed to me that my right to own intellectual property is functionally forfeit: Being a convicted felon does not in fact forfeit my right to my ideas… I mean, at least not anymore than being the President's son forfeits someone's right to snort coke off a Chinese hooker's ass.
Speaking of close and continuing relationships, shouldn’t it raise a few eyebrows that this Administration’s current Secretary of State cofounded a firm that does this kind of thing with the Chinese government and then tried to erase it from the internet?
"U.S. research universities" were among the company’s clients and that the consultancy worked with schools to "remain a trusted partner for DoD-sponsored research grants while expanding foreign research collaboration, accepting foreign donations, and welcoming foreign students in key STEM programs." The company deleted references to such work from its website between July 26 and August 2.”
It’s a little bit unsettling to be told that your criminal past is too “creepy” to allow you to have any public involvement with the work you and your father pioneered and got through peer review in the first place, when there are rampant security risks and conflicts of interest throughout the entire Administration. One of the most powerful Democrats in the entire United States Government is suspected of surreptitiously sticking his dick in Chinese nationals as a hobby, and if nothing else had an undisclosed clear close and continuing relationship with one.
June 2, 2021 - “Molecular Evidence for COVID-19's Engineered Origins.”
When the live-attenuated polio vaccine is working its way back towards being the full-strength polio virus (deattenuating, the opposite of “attenuating,” or weakening), something that often happens within communities that have poor sanitation, it goes through a series of coordinated changes. These coordinated changes are referred to as “epistatic” when the coordination is happening inside genomes, and it turns out these epistatic genetic changes are predictable, and unnatural when a live-attenuated vaccine (a weakened but not-quite-dead virus) is trying to work its way back to its original form. These mutations occur in a coordinated fashion in this circumstance, a coordination that does not show up in nature - as if the virus has a memory of being at its full strength, and is able to use epistatic mutations to make its way back to its original form far quicker than would occur naturally.
Not only does COVID-19 also display these coordinated, simultaneous, epistatic mutations across many different regions of the globe within human populations, these exact same mutations are also appearing in lab mice as well as on mink farms. There is absolutely nothing even vaguely approaching a natural parallel to this phenomenon, viruses do not use the same mutations to adapt to three different species simultaneously – different species require different mutations to establish active sustainable infections within a population, which is why diseases don’t just jump instantly and randomly between species, even ones living near each other.
So the fact that the exact same mutations which appeared in the UK and South Africa in humans, also appeared within the laboratory as COVID-19 was passaged through laboratory mice, is entirely unprecedented. And in mice, not only did repeated serial passaging make the same epistatic mutations that were seen in humans in the UK and South Africa appear, these mutations gave COVID-19 the ability to transmit through the air between the mice.
This kind of “gain-of-function” from serial passaging is a very direct sign of laboratory engineering, there is no natural way for the same mutations that cause a virus to become airborne between mice would also show up simultaneously in a human population as well as mink, or the population of any other discrete species. Different species require different mutations for a virus to adapt to it and establish active infections, that is why zoonosis is such a big deal.
June 4, 2021 - “The DARPA-taped Letters: Why have several researchers with close ties to the CCP been undermining the dissemination of peer reviewed research which looks at a lab origin of the COVID-19 Pandemic and gain-of-function research?”
However once a bit of time had passed and I thought about it, I wasn’t aware of my dad ever significantly interacting with a former Secretary of the Navy and Obama advisor directly attached to defense work, a federal global technology S&T researcher interested in engaging with China and who it’s hard to imagine hasn’t been extensively involved with defense programs, an MIT artificial intelligence and cyber-security wonk with extensive ties to the defense industry, and a scientist part of another team which denigrated my father’s career and said he never should’ve written a paper like ours also with extensive ties to DARPA and the defense industry.
Even more bizarre, that former Secretary of the Navy spent much of 2020 directly lobbying with the help of Johns Hopkins for more scientific and academic engagement and cooperation with the CCP, alongside the person who was then the head of the CIA and is now the Director of National Intelligence (and soon to be oxymorons), Avril Haines. And so maybe it should raise a few eyebrows that the sitting Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, attempted to scrub existence of his company’s efforts to aid and abet the CCP placing students and researchers into American institutions and especially key STEM programs via multi-million dollar contracts from the internet.
This company, WestExec Advisors, is also tied to the current Press Secretary, Jen Psaki.
And it was only co-founded by Blinken, its other founder writes whitepapers alongside Avril Haines, since it’s all one big happy not-even-vaguely-corrupt-and-compromised Chinese-controlled mob family.
Oh and Ms. Psaki just spent today telling the American people that there’s no grounds whatsoever that would cause President Biden to fire Tony Fauci. Not even treason?
In a time of war? Because the punishment for that very clearly isn’t losing your job - it’s losing your life via state execution. And so aiding and abetting the the Chinese Military in covering up the worst war-crime in human history would certainly be nominal groups for a bullet to the head, or however the government is doing it these days.
And in case any of this sounds a bit outlandish, turns out there’s been a high-level defector from China in America for several months, working alongside the DIA exclusively since “DIA leadership believes there are Chinese spies or sources inside the FBI, CIA, and several other federal agencies."
The idea that there’s even a discussion as to whether or not SARS-CoV-2 was engineered is entirely absurd, the only people acting like this is in doubt at all are looking to cover as many asses as they possibly can while directly aiding and abetting a disinformation campaign being run by the Chinese Military, and simultaneously keep the door open to violate as many Natural Laws as they possibly can.
Most notably, Alina Chan, who’s already designed a protocol to insert freaking Ebola into human cells, and has been falsely presenting herself as some sort of honest actor while literally attempting to bribe other scientists to hide the truth.
And so as our emails with this giant wildly corrupt and conflicted cabal of DARPA-JHU-WestExec squad of fuckbois below recounts, their contact with us has become even stranger considering what’s happened since... and what hasn’t happened. Instead of our ideas being embraced by the wider scientific community like I would've expected from my childhood, they've been marginalized and our voices largely ignored.
December 3, 2021 - “A Grin Without a Cat - Bottling-Up the Quasispecies Origins of SARS-CoV-2’s Enigmatic Furin-Cleavage Site.”
Turns out you can’t vaccinate your way out of highly-transmissible RNA viruses in crowded commercial settings, but it also turns out that humans have a little issue trying to play God, and as so here we are.
Directly supporting this specialized airborne role for the FCS is the apparent reemergence of SARS-CoV-2’s FCS within Calu-3 cells - cells grown from the surface of human lungs - after it falls off in Vero cells. The swarm doesn’t need an FCS to flourish inside monkey kidney cells, inside Vero cells - however once it gets placed into human lung cells, now the chance of airborne transmission is back on the table, and so the FCS quickly returns to dominance inside the swarm, reaching fixation in just a single passage.
SARS-CoV-2’s affinity for human kidneys - up to 25% of its patients can suffer an acute kidney injury - is likely linked to this past history being passaged through Vero kidney cells during its development as a live-attenuated vaccine (LAV) - a vaccine built from an entire virus that’s supposed to be weakened down to the point where it can never establish symptomatic infections, but still serves as enough of a mock-up to provide our immune systems with the ability to recognize and neutralize the actual live version of that virus.
And it’s almost certainly the past reversions of H1N1 LAVs in 1977 and 2009 that seemed to eventually just melt away, which sociopaths like Richard Ebright and the rest of his sweaty socially-retarded buddies at JASON are using to assure everyone that SARS-CoV-2, another LAV that’s reverting, will just melt away in just a few more months - just like H1N1 seems to have done twice. And since SARS and MERS, artificial coronavirus chimeras that got out before deattenuation all the way down into LAVs, went away on their own - they think all signs point to that happening again.
Unfortunately, unlike their mythical buddy: Each and everyone one of these arrogant old hacks was drawn into the siren song of multi-billion dollar defense and pharmaceutical contracts long ago, and they’re going to remain pushing for a fascist and entirely ineffective vaccination program because they’re rotten, filthy, diseased whores, and that is exactly what they are being paid to do.
Our novel coronavirus is not a naturally spreading and evolving virus, and it has not become endogenous to human populations after thousands of years of coevolution - it is reverting back towards a highly-pathogenic SARS-like chimera that our immune systems will be entirely helpless against, and is going through the same unexpected epistatic gatekeeping mutations that OPV does on its way back to full virulence as a VDPV, which vaccines are also entirely helpless against
In the case of SARS-CoV-2, this gatekeeping results in the sudden emergence of new strains that appear evolutionarily impossible - like Omicron. And so long as transmission is ongoing, there is nothing that is going to stop this pandemic except more death, because transmission means more gatekeeping, and gatekeeping means continued steps closer to the original strongest version of this highly-pathogenic virus.
Being completely and entirely acclimated to the human genome is not at all the case with OPV, a LAV against the Polio virus that’s reverting into VDPV all across the third world and bringing back Polio’s terrible paralytic poliomyelitis. So OPV serves as a much more accurate analogy for SARS-CoV-2 than the H1N1 LAVs.
Until SARS-CoV-2 is understood as a LAV that’s deattenuating towards a highly-pathogenic chimeric coronavirus that’s going through gatekeeping mutations and has no intention whatsoever of following the assumptions drawn from observing natural evolution or even the paths of the H1N1 LAVs which melted back into their original endogenous human hosts - humanity is going to continue to be standing on its head as it attempts to battle this pandemic, and misunderstanding the basic fundamental nature of what its up against.
It’s something we seem to be particularly good at, since all the way back in 1977 when the first H1N1 LAV emerged to a mass global panic, a massive push was made to create and distribute vaccines against what was thought to be a potentially pandemic strain. But it turns out that one of the ways a LAV isn’t a natural virus, is that when you attempt to vaccinate against it, neurological side-effects appear to proliferate among the vaccinated population, as the virus blows through this attempt at protection.
December 15, 2021 - “The Last Interview the Sirotkins Will Ever Give: After years of theft, misrepresentation, and insults it's become abundantly clear that no one's interested in the Truth, so we're closing up the PR Department.”
And now that it’s had nearly two years of circulation among every modern human society on the planet, and so like the T-1000 rebuilding itself from tiny pieces, it’s now gotten close enough back to its original form for airborne transmission among mice - ubiquitous hitchhikers that infest every single major human city on earth. There is now no way to stop the unchecked reversion of SARS-CoV-2 back to its original full-strength form except for stopping public transmission. Until the rest of the world is ready to accept that and move forward, there’s absolutely nothing at all else to be said.
Just keep talking, and pretend like you can ignore all the dying.
February 2, 2022 - “Burn the Ivory Towers to the Ground: What happens when dangerous and unproven scientific research techniques meet the military-industrial complex? Are modern research scientists still controlled by any code of ethics at all?”
Over the coming months and years more human life is going to be lost than at any other point in history, by a very wide margin. To be fair there are a lot more people, but even proportionally the epic tsunami of death that’s already been triggered will still rival every other cataclysm our species has ever experienced.
There’s no running. There’s no high ground to escape to.
SARS-CoV-2 has now thoroughly infected every modern society on Earth, and it’s slow insidious digestion of our brains is going to create a situation far more frightening than instantly mutating new hosts into zombies. Because at least with zombies, the chain of cause-and-effect is straightforward, quick, and relatively avoidable.
“Don’t get bitten” is a lot different than “Don’t breathe too deep.”
Not a single person giving public policy advice can describe what this virus actually is, and yet due to the power of social trust - Tens of millions of Americans will be slowly and painfully choking to death on their own juices over the next few years because they’ve been listening to abject morons with billionaires’ arms shoved up their asses, puppetering them around to try and force our economic engine back into motion.
The emails below outlining the brazen lies and wanton immoral behavior from Alina Chan and Matt Ridley were sent to nearly 300 members of Harvard, MIT, and JHU’s biology departments about a year ago, shockingly not a single soul replied or expressed any concern about the facts laid out within them.
Dead bodies don’t bother American academics, only their funding and the size of their Twitter followings.
Millions are dead and hundreds of millions of more are set to follow over the coming years, and yet the entirety of America’s academic and scientific communities have absolutely no interest at all in the truth. They do not care about your dead relatives, they aren’t going to care about the empty grocery shelves, and at this point its pretty obvious that the scientific and academic communities are only interested in circling their wagons and counting their dollars.
And so the “scientists” the world has trusted to lead them out of this pandemic are still no closer to having a single useful answer about the nature of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, after being consistently wrong for two years.
All of which started when Tony Fauci and the rest of NIH’s leadership unilaterally decided to censor any discussion about a lab origin of the virus, singling out “serial passage” as the most likely gain-of-function technique used to create the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Of course even The Intercept isn’t going to cite the peer-reviewed work at the top of this article which lays out exactly how serial passage was likely used, which is nearly two years old now - because it too is owned by billionaires, and does not employ journalists but instead corporate whores who are far, ffaaaarrrr more interested in who their next expensive brunch if with than silly things like integrity and ethics, or dead strangers.
America is going to reap what she has sown.
April 1, 2022 - “Welcome to Mengele’s Laboratory: The Epilogue to Golden Silkworms in Pandora’s Box - One Year Later.”
But then unluckily for all of us, men like Bill Gates didn’t let Tuskegee stop them, and moved on to using Africa as one giant pharmaceutical testing ground in the decades that followed, and so experimental drugs and vaccines were pumped into the continent without anything even vaguely resembling ethical safety controls. And when a company couldn’t afford to get its testing done all the way over in Africa, then there were always plenty of African-Americans and other disenfranchised minorities right at home - slipping through the cracks and just waiting to be double-blinded!
So it within this intersection that our story starts, between the orphans like Charlton who gave his name to the CHAT-OPV live-attenuated vaccine (LAV), and experiments on unwitting Africans that sparked the entire international AIDS Epidemic, as that deattenuating LAV which had been accidentally spiked with the SIV monkey-virus during serial passage and began that terrible plague.
But hey, turns out that there was nothing to really worry about so long as you weren’t a faggot, right?! Since back in the 1980s bigots like Tony Fauci were already attempting to demonize the gay community with one hand while poisoning them with an experimental drug with the other, in a narrative that has replayed itself again during our ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic without even shuffling in a new cast.
“Serial passage” is used as an umbrella term to encompass several different well-established bio-engineering protocols: two of the main ones are passage through cell cultures which is typically done to attenuate a vaccine candidate strain, as well as passage through live host animals to force zoonosis into a new species, or to establish aerosol transmission within a species where direct-contact transmission is already established.
And it turns out that back in the late seventies, “live attenuated influenza virus (LAIV) research was extensive at the time,” research that would’ve used serial passage as it sought to find progressively weaker and weaker strains. In fact there was even a letter from a former director of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences noting “the introduction of this 1977 virus [as] the result of vaccine trials in the Far East involving the challenge of several thousand military recruits with live H1N1 virus.”
After working real, real hard to whitewash the dangers of gain-of-function research, the paper then concludes that:
“While the use of the 1977 influenza epidemic as a cautionary tale for potential laboratory accidents is expedient, the relevance to GOF research is greatly diminished if the 1977 epidemic was the result of a vaccine trial or vaccine development gone awry; these are both more plausible explanations than a single laboratory accident.”
Now it’s unclear whether Gigi Kwik-Gronvall or Michelle Rozo wrote that passage back in 2015, downplaying the risks of reverting LAVs - but several years later in the summer of 2020 it would be Gigi Kwik-Gronvall who’d be part of a team who’d write me and my dad - just one more act of hubris in a long list, when the most vile criminals humanity has ever known overplayed their hand one last time, and gave up the game.
If they’d never contacted us, I never would’ve had any idea that this entire conspiracy goes all the way up to America’s Director of National Intelligence.
And there’d be good reason for Gallo to be on the lookout for anything in the scientific literature relating to serial passage through cell cultures, since a few years earlier in 1978 he’d been a key player in the founding of the Special Virus-Cancer Program, formed in large part because of how often the monkey virus SV-40 was being introduced into human research and vaccine lines especially during serial passage experiments, and there were concerns it might be seeding cancers.
Then a few years later in 1982, Gallo would receive his first prestigious Lasker Award for being the first to associate a specific retrovirus with cancers, and then two more years later in 1984, his team would publish a series of four papers asserting together that the virus he’d gotten the Lasker for was in fact the cause of AIDS.
And although there’s nothing in these papers about SIV or the virus’s possible origins, there was probably no one else on the planet more capable and prepared than Gallo to read that Soviet paper about serial passage causing some but not all shared genes to line-up, and realize that the same phenomenon might apply to HIV and SIV, with SIV serving the same role as SV-40, a monkey virus that’d been introduced into human cell lines via vaccine research and gone on to infect humans prior to the emergence of HIV.
Since when you compare HIV and SIV, you also find that their genes appear to have aged out-of-sync with each other, and so determining when a theoretical evolution from SIV into HIV happened has no good answer. Scientists wave their hands a bunch and offer explanations, but by this measure HIV is just as unnatural as the 1977 H1N1 strain, probably more so since several genes are out of sync instead of just one.
And so back in the 1980s, Tony Fauci was brought in by Robert Gallo to occlude HIV’s origins in the CHAT-OPV vaccine programs, understanding how the viral contamination across cell-lines happened. But whether or not that’s ever proven - Fauci definitely got installed to push AZT as an unproven but miraculous solution.
Nearly nothing has changed, except for instead of a virus that only spreads through blood and sexual fluids, ours spreads right through the air. Might be a tiny bit more of a problem. And Tony’s old pal Robert Gallo has become a horcrux for both Joseph Mengele and Joseph Goebbls - first pioneering the military cancer-vaccine research programs that emerged from experiments like the CHAT-OPV and lead to SARS-CoV-2, and now writing propaganda for Time Magazine while trying once again to gaslight the American people into complacency about an incredibly lethal virus whose origins Gallo is helping hide.
But not without some help.
Robert Gallo, Tony Fauci, Bill Gates, Ralph Baric, Kristian Andersen, Francis Collins, Peter Daszak, Richard Ebright, Alina Chan, Jamie Metzl, Avril Haines, Josh Rogin.
Dr. Joseph Mengele, who haunted millions during the Holocaust, never died. His corpse may or may not have been found off the coast of Paraguay, but regardless his spirit is still living on - alive and well, inside those empty soulless vessels. They are carrying on his work of making most morally bankrupt research imaginable seem palatable and somehow okay, as Alina Chan splices Ebola into human cells with DARPA funding, and then happily emerges as the locus of a Limited Hangout meant to hide SARS-CoV-2’s obvious origins in the most dangerous vaccine research humanity has ever known - live-attenuated vaccines that have the propensity to revert back to invincible highly-pathogenic chimeras that blow through vaccine-induced and natural immunity alike.
This dynamic has already packed tens of thousands of our societies’ most vulnerable into factories and warehouses during the pandemic, desperate to keep food on their families’ tables and roofs over their heads, and forced to work - not in a camp, at least - but in conditions that are now killing and debilitating endless wave after wave. More literally than we’d like to think, we are now very much all in this together.
So if you’re wondering why this current Presidential Administration seems to be much more interested in winning elections and vaccine sales than the preservation of human life? That’s because our government is currently owned and operated by Fascism and Big Pharma, which is why it’s been unabashedly gaslighting us all about the nature of reinfections to hide their rampant spread, and attempting to force everyone back into the office so that the commercial real estate market doesn’t collapse.
The pandemic is over, we’ve been told. Back to work, don’t you want to be free?
March 8, 2022 - “What's it like when your government tries to have you murdered?”
At this point it’s abundantly clear western governments are going to ride this denial train past all of our graveyards, and given that it’s been two years since the National Security Council first got my work explaining why COVID was almost certainly engineered via serial passage - seems like I’m never coming in from the cold.
However that’s been a bit of a theme given that I’m an ex-con and on the sex-offender registry for the rest of my life, something Alina Chan has been pointing out from the start - since it’s sorta abundantly obvious that just like DRASTIC, she was mobilized by Fauci and Collins and the rest to distract from the truth I’ve been revealing for the past two years, very much risking my life in the process.
Well done guys, you won. Apparently no one’s running FISA warrants, and both the IC and military are so infested with woke cowards that no one is going to do anything other than sit back and let innocent people continue to drop.
No one notable will touch my work and the entirety of the press - not just the “legacy” press, even the conmen and grifters like the Weinsteins who act like they’re somehow above the same system capture as everyone else and don’t have different billionaires’ arms shoved up their asses, are happy to see my silenced. Maybe my criminal past was the dealbreaker, maybe it wasn’t.
After all, our modern penal system is based on the idea of magical timers which are supposed to somehow rehabilitate people, or otherwise indicate they’ve passed certain legal thresholds.
November 3, 2022 - “Understanding SARS-CoV-2’s Obviously Engineered Origins: Why, from the very start, there's been very little doubt that this pandemic began in a lab.”
One of the most striking parts of David Asher’s phone call back in the summer of 2021, even more surprising than offering me and my dad $10,000 to walk away from this work and let Jamie Metzl take ownership of it, was thanking me for getting the original whitepaper me and my dad had written in front of the National Security Council (NSC).
That was actually the first confirmation I had that the contact I had on the NSC had in fact gotten that paper in front of everyone back in the middle of January 2020 when I’d passed it along, shortly before we put it up online on January 31st.
So back when Tony Fauci and the Zooinati crew was scrambling to cover their tracks in those early weeks, the entire NSC was already completely and entirely aware that SARS-CoV-2 might’ve been engineered because they read our initial whitepaper, Logistical and Technical Exploration into the Origins of the Wuhan Strain of Coronavirus, and knew that:
Scientists had been splicing and dicing entire viruses for about 20 years, with Baric’s No See ‘Em technology, pioneered at UNC where scientists from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) had learned how to make coronavirus chimeras several years ago, with technology that would make it nearly impossible to tell if the virus had been manipulated.
Those scientists returned to the WIV, discovered the first SARS-like virus to use ACE2, and were now pretending like their work couldn’t possible have caused the pandemic - even though there’d been years of reporting about all sorts of safety concerns, and the SARS virus had leaked out of Chinese labs several times.
In 2012, scientists had used a technique called “serial passage” to send influenza through multiple sets of ferrets, which closely mimics the natural process of zoonosis and resulted in a virus that suddenly went airborne and became more virulent.
SARS-CoV-2 was already leading to depleted white blood cell counts, had notable homologies with HIV, and was creating troubling neurological symptoms.
However Tony Fauci had a job to do, covering all of this up just like he did with the origins of HIV, so in that flurry of phone calls and emails, the absolutely absurd Proximal Origins paper was cobbled together with lies and misdirection, and published on March 17, 2020. In light of the research done to write our initial whitepaper, this was really obviously a bunch of happy horseshit cooked-up to cover-up what was really going on, so just two days later I wrote a response that highlighted China’s long history influencing scientific publications, and then dissembled all of Andersen’s sophomoric science mostly using serial passage.
Serial passage is the single most important lynchpin tying the origins of this virus together, it’s one of the hallmarks of creating a live-attenuated vaccine, and historically has almost always used lab ferrets - an overlapping species with the farmed mink that SARS-CoV-2 hopped right into and was vigorously slaughtering across multiple continents. It was immediately able to jump into farmed mink all across the planet because the virus was returning to a very close cousin of its original host, lab ferrets, which it’d recently been passaged through to attenuate it down, weakening it down into a live-attenuated vaccine instead of a virulent virus.
Which is probably why Tony Fauci was emailing about “serial passage” back in February 2020, pretty strange no one at all has questioned him or anyone else about this technique in the press?
And yet after extensive submissions to the popular press, nothing was getting through. Neither did submissions to pretty much every peer-reviewed scientific publication run out of America, so I went across the pond, and in April 2020 submitted a paper to BioEssays, that they’d publish back in August 2020, Might SARS-CoV-2 Have Arisen via Serial Passage through an Animal Host or Cell Culture?
This was a technical retelling of everything I’d written up to that point, and with my dad’s help to get the finer points right, I managed to outline the long history of superpowers lying about their leaky laboratories, and tie the recent push for pancoronavirus and HIV vaccines to the genesis of our ongoing pandemic. Peer review was supposed to the litmus for scientific discourse, and so as an ex-con I figured this was simply the hoop I needed to jump through to be taken seriously.
But maybe I should’ve paid more attention to the fact that shortly after this peer reviewed paper arguing for a laboratory origin of the pandemic was published in August 2020, that contact I’d used to get our original whitepaper in front of the NSC lost his job with the NSC, and was soundly demoted.
Because America is a testament to unbound hedonism, that’s almost entirely consumed with experiencing as much unbridled pleasure as possible in lieu of anything else at all, and either all of these journalists are really that bad at their jobs - or they’re simply hiding the origins of this pandemic because that’s precisely what they’re being paid to do. Looking back I can’t say for sure that I wouldn’t have done anything differently, but knowing what I do now - I can at least rest easy, knowing it wouldn’t have mattered at all.
None of the contacts me and my dad made during these nearly three years has lifted a finger as all the work we did was ripped out from under us, and the nature of this virus was downplayed into a mild nothing, a pandemic that Joe Biden tells us is already over.
At this point it became clear that DRASTIC was simply a Limited Hangout being run to distract from the truth we’d been trying to reveal since January 2020, and everyone involved was either intentionally hiding the truth or just really fucking stupid and arrogant - so I made sure it was clear Golden Silkworms in Pandora’s Box was an independent production.
Me and my dad risked our lives to expose the truth the moment all of this started, and absolutely no one has exhibited the smallest shred of ethics as all the credit for what we’ve done was stolen out from under us. For whatever reason, a recent preprint about a lab origin can make a massive splash and draw incredible amounts of press, as even its authors pretend like there isn’t a body of peer reviewed literature around a lab origin that exists already, and all of this hasn’t been very thoroughly explained for 18 months and counting.
Not one single citation of our two peer-reviewed papers, not one mention of “serial passage,” just three more assholes who want to hear themselves talk.
The time for niceties and etiquette ended millions of innocent deaths ago.
So the bad news is: The scientific community is a death cult, America’s academics, journalists, and politicians are completely and entirely ethically bankrupt - and billions more are going to die before anything changes.
December 14, 2022 - “Weaponizing the Swarm by Weaponizing the Stupid: Why the suppression of ‘serial passage’ as the technique used to craft SARS-CoV-2 depended on the cowardly compliance of morally and ethically bankrupt academic and journalistic worlds.”
Not one single person, calling themselves a “journalist” as they watch tens of millions of people die all around them, has expressed any interest at all in discussing anything that I’ve written. Actually that’s not true, interest was expressed by all of the following folks with very large voices, all of whom went on to subsequently ignore and often plagiarize my work:
William J. Broad - New York Times
John Mecklin and Nicholson Wade - Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
Nicholson Baker - New York Magazine
Drew Hernandez - CNN
Josh Rogin - The Washington Post
Gary Ruskin - USRTK
David Malone - UK Channel 4
There’s very rarely any sort of demonstrated excellence, and in fact Scientific revolutions progress one death at a time largely because of this dynamic: Students are never, ever encouraged to challenge or defeat their teachers - Instead they’re trained to mindless stick their noses as far into their tangy bungholes as they possibly can.
Because that’s what gets you that A, or the internship, or the overly flattering reference letter that gets you the job you don’t really have the merit for. Looking at you, every single paid “journalist” working for any corporate entity at all in America.
Because like Alina Chan before him, Nicholas Wade was happy to watch tens of millions of innocent strangers die terribly if it meant he got time in front of the cameras. And job number one was to make sure no discussion of serial passage ever surfaced at all, since it’s the hallmark of live-attenuated vaccines, and additionally points very directly back to the 2012 gain-0f-function experiments with ferrets and influenza that held the potential to “make the deadly 1918 pandemic look like a pesky cold.”
Because I had no interest at all in mindlessly echoing Tony Fauci’s horrible murderous bullshit about a natural virus and a magical vaccine, nor did I care about the tide turning with the Proximal Origins paper, nor what anyone thought about an engineered virus being a “conspiracy theory.” Since I learned something very important from Farmer Joe on those wrestling mats - authority figures aren’t meant to be revered nor exalted, they are there for you to defeat them.
America likes to make a big deal about being the land of second-chances and redemption, however there’s another edge to that sword - The only reason redemption is such a big fucking deal in America, is because only in America is such a production made of judging and condemning those who dare stray out of line. There’s no redemption without judgement and condemnation, and it’s that Puritanical urge that arrived with us on these shores, to crush any sort of social dissent, that really drives the ethos of this broken, batshit nation.
I am proud to have given what little help I could to the work summarized above. I am proud of Dan for have written his opus on this site. I think I learned more from him than he learned from me.
Brilliant as usual, and also prophetic, looking back as well as forward but I hope you'll forgive me for saying I hope you're wrong about what's coming. Is there not some reason for optimism in that so many people have been exposed to one or another variant of SARS-COV-2 that natural immunity targeting conserved epitopes of the virus might save many?