Tips for Surviving Humanity’s Darkest Winter
Ain’t none of this medical, legal, maybe not even sensible advice - I am not a doctor nor a lawyer, I am a con-vict.
From the co-author of the first peer-reviewed paper examining a laboratory origin for SARS-CoV-2, as well as its addendum, which formally linked the H1N1 Spanish Flu pandemic strain release of 1977 to gain-of-function research.
With America’s midterms barreling down our collective esophagi in a few weeks, the mainstream press is in full-out denial mode about the pandemic that’s killing at least a 9/11 worth of Americans a week, since it kinda seems like Bill Gates told Joe Biden that he’d bribe Joe Manchin to get his bill passed - assuming Biden would cede even more control to Gates for the pandemic response.
Since as it turns out, as I’ve been arguing since March of 2020, the Gates Foundation’s involvement with vaccine work over the past several decades and then very specifically with Event 201, which was just about concurrent with the Wuhan Military Games and the start of the pandemic, indicates that they’ve been pulling the strings all along:
“The four organizations had worked together in the past, and three of them shared a common history. The largest and most powerful was the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, one of the largest philanthropies in the world. Then there was Gavi, the global vaccine organization that Gates helped to found to inoculate people in low-income nations, and the Wellcome Trust, a British research foundation with a multibillion dollar endowment that had worked with the Gates Foundation in previous years. Finally, there was the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, or CEPI, the international vaccine research and development group that Gates and Wellcome both helped to create in 2017.”
After all, as Bill Gates was carefully watching from Event 201, the Wuhan Military Games are where the poor sanitation involved with the porta-potties brought in for 250,000 volunteers who allowed for SARS-CoV-2’s transmission to explode, as they’d all been dosed with SARS-CoV-2 in the form of a live-attenuated vaccine, which at that point appeared to have it’s FCS removed after it was attenuated down. This explosion in transmission occurred because in this porta-potty stuffed environment, increased fecal spread accelerated the process of selection just like poor sanitation has allowed OPV to revert back to virulent Polio all throughout the third-world over recent years.
Aye NYC, how you doin’?
And so in this transmission-rich environment, strains which held an FCS that appeared invisible to the scientific tools being used to look for them by the vaccine-making scientists, since they were such a teeny-tiny minority part of the overall swarm, were quickly selected for and allowed SARS-CoV-2’s quasispecies viral swarm to go airborne - just like highly-pathogenic avian influenza did during those gain-of-function experiments:
“In each of the 2012 serial passage experiments with influenza strains and ferrets, the FCS didn’t appear as a response to the challenge of airborne transmission between hosts, it existed in a very small frequency within each H5N1 swarm prior to each experiment - getting created not by a natural predictable process, but instead by the direct artificial outside manipulation of scientists - and then quickly reached majority status once the bottleneck of jumping from ferret-to-ferret in the air was presented as an evolutionary opportunity.
It was observed by each team after successful airborne transmission between ferrets, however before this challenge was presented to the H5N1 swarms, they were both first heavily mutated by artificial outside means - directly splicing in genes from H1N1 in the case of Dr. Yoshiro Kawaoka, and bathing the swarm in a mutagen in the case of Dr. Ron Fouchier - both artificial, inherently sloppy, and unpredictable processes a long way from surgically splicing precise nucleotides in-and-out, which led to the cryptic emergence of the FCS in small minority subpopulations of their swarms prior to their presentation to ferrets for passaging.
These were the events that created the FCS during those experiments, the outside intervention of scientists intent on carrying out their gain-of-function experiments - not the challenge of jumping through the air between ferrets. Once it exists anywhere in the swarm, the FCS is going to remain at levels that are too small for typical detection until its special ability is called for: Airborne transmission between mammalian hosts.
Directly supporting this specialized airborne role for the FCS is the apparent reemergence of SARS-CoV-2’s FCS within Calu-3 cells - cells grown from the surface of human lungs - after it falls off in Vero cells. The swarm doesn’t need an FCS to flourish inside monkey kidney cells, inside Vero cells, however once it gets placed into human airway cells - now the chance of airborne transmission is back on the table, and so the FCS quickly returns to dominance inside the swarm, reaching fixation in just a single passage.
SARS-CoV-2’s affinity for human kidneys - up to 25% of its patients can suffer an acute kidney injury - is likely linked to this past history being passaged through Vero kidney cells during its development as a live-attenuated vaccine (LAV) - a vaccine built from an entire virus that’s supposed to be weakened down to the point where it can never establish symptomatic infections, but still serves as enough of a mock-up to provide our immune systems with the ability to recognize and neutralize the actual live version of that virus.”
After its FCS reemerged at the Wuhan Military Games, Bill Gates and everyone he owns in the scientific community - which is functionally all of them, because they are all either whores or cowards, down to the very last public-facing PhD - scrambled to first hide its existence at all, and then went on the offensive downplaying its significance, and soon the whole idea of a lab origin in the first place.
The virus jumped directly into farmed fucking mink, an overlapping species with the lab ferrets used to attenuate viruses down into live-attenuated vaccines - there is literally only one possibly explanation in the world for that.
Because of course throughout most of 2020 a lab origin was a “conspiracy theory,” and now that there’s a debate - absolutely no one in the scientific community has expressed any curiosity at all about the work I’ve been doing for the past two-and-a-half years - and especially not over the past 18 months explaining this thing is a reverting live-attenuated vaccine, that the NIH and our government are covering-up so fucking obvoiusly that history will look back on almost everyone cosplaying as a journalist or scientist today, and wish they’d died more slowly and painfully, as punishment for all of the completely unnecessary death their lack of ethics and morals helped cause. Because they care about the idea they hold untouchable superior knowledge, and their paychecks, far ffaaaaaarrrr more than the reality that tens of millions more innocent deaths are very obviously barreling down at us.
So now that the die is cast and there’s no going back, here are some mostly unscientific thoughts about how to increase your chances of surviving the unquenchable fire coming to purge away all of this awful fucking wickedness.
Probably the single best piece of advice I wish someone had given me before hitting prison, it would’ve been to imagine myself murdering the fuck out of every single inmate even vaguely within my peripheral vision, assuming I wasn’t on my own tier or among friends. Although I’m not Jack Reacher, I’m much larger than average at 6’2” and shit probably like 285 when I started my bit. DON’T JUDGE ME, GOING INTO PRISON AS A NOTORIOUS SEX OFFENDER IS STRESSFUL - I ATE A LOT ALRIGHT?!
But even at that size I still noticed a negative and predatory vibe pretty frequently walking around the compound or in the cafeteria, which seemed weird to me, since I didn’t think I looked like a bitch. But unbeknownst to me, my generally agreeable and sunny vibe marked me as prey in prison, and unless I was walking with my homies, I noticed the same eyes on the back of my neck.
That is, until, I began to play Skyrim. Which is worth its own post - sweet dear baby Moses, you have not lived until you’ve spent five months in a cell with an unceasing lunatic, only to put your headphones on and wake up to that opening scene - but for our purposes what matters is that game has some really freaking cool death animations.
So one day I was walking back to my room in a particularly pissy mood for whatever reason, relishing the thought of clicking the game on and very graphically and bloodily dismembering bad guys. And then glancing over to see how close to my building I was, I noticed the dudes walking toward me lean away a step. Almost like they’d been reading my mind.
And so for the rest of my time in there, anytime I was walking around alone I was constantly imagining myself slaughtering any other inmate within my field of view, usually I’d go with the rusty pick-axe for whatever reason, and no one ever gave me another sideways glance. Although I’ve never actually used a pick-axe to maim anyone, I’m pretty sure being in that headspace sends out very different subconscious signals all around you than any other state of mind, and so I just ran with it.
Since there are lots of legal implications to physical violence, besides the reality that even a punch can kinda easily kill someone on concrete, out in public that’s the best and probably just about the only advice I can give. Don’t spend any more time in public than is necessary, and if the shit go down - you better be ready.
Preferably to run away as fast as possible, or make as much noise as you can and go for the eyeballs and genitals, and look to get your enemy into a position where you can either bite or stomp on them in the most vulnerable places possible, since those techniques don’t take training and are arguably the most damaging strikes you can deliver, which is why they’re illegal in the UFC.
Like if someone sneaks up behind you and wraps an arm around your throat, you’ll want to immediately shoot both hands up to attack preferable just two or three fingers or the entire thumb and its pad on their top hand to break their grip while simultaneously sinking your hips and begin looking to step one leg or the other back next to them to get hip-to-hip to neutralize the leverage they have behind you, and then… yeah 99% of the people reading this should just get their mouth on whatever they can and start chomping in that scenario.
This is going to differ enormously depending on different situations, but doing the best you can to have clean air is the single most important thing you can do, after getting ready for the collapse in public services and widespread unrest. And if you’re in an apartment that may or may not be entirely realistic depending on the season and access to windows, so hang tight for the section on personal hygiene below, since that’s gonna be your best bet - nasal irrigation several times a day is gonna do way more than a box-fan with some filters taped to it.
But if you’re in a single family home, crack window and increase circulation and ventilation as much as possible, everyone is gonna have difference economic and other tolerances for this though, and I don’t know anything about fluid dynamics or HVAC stuff so I don’t have anything more to offer - But don’t be shy down in the comments if you have any professional experience or thoughts with this stuff.
And there’s all kinds of resources to learn about handling collapse, but to keep track of things as best you can somewhat in real-time as they breakdown, I’d recommend keeping somewhat on a eye on these reddits, and keep track on what you need to really worry about in your area:
That’ll give you much more of a warning about anything coming your way than the corporate media, and if you can find them, follow all of your local police and rescue Twitter accounts, since that’ll give you much more information than the local news. It’s also a good idea to look into getting a HAM radio, but my procrastinating ass has had one sitting in its box for almost a year now, so maybe that’ll be its own post at some point. Possibly in morse code.
But in the meantime it wouldn’t hurt to download as many useful PDFs as you can find about survivalism and collapse, there’s all kinds of stuff out there, and I have no idea what’s good out of what I’ve collected - so take the time to do your homework while you still have the Internet, just a few moments can give you guides about basic dental care and car repair and everything else.
You won’t get it perfect, but at least you’ll have a shot.
As anyone who follows me on Twitter knows I have a deep and abiding kink for nasal irrigation, I get them bubbles jammed up my nose at least a half-dozen times a day, even not leaving the house at all. For one, it’s fantastic for allergies.
For two, whoever survives this is going to look back at nasal irrigation the same way we do hand-washing now, which doctors argued vehemently against or downplayed when it was first introduced. Although there are plenty of studies demonstrating how beneficial this can be, I’m not going to link them since I’m pretty sure they’re pretty drastically downplaying how beneficial nasal irrigation actually is. For that kind of study, asking people to do a novel and awkward procedure and then self-report, the findings are going to be inherently flimsy.
Although a quick word of caution, the closer to the Equator you get the more likely it is that your water supply might’ve been contaminated by brain-eating amoebas, which are very much a thing. Good news is that in America they’ve only been found in the wild in Texas and southern Cali, or regions down that way, and I think that was in the wild - I’m not sure they’ve ever been demonstrated to infiltrate an American municipal water supply, at least outside of Louisiana where there have been issues, which makes sense since it’s a very warm swamp that gets flooded a lot. I’m on a well in Maryland so I don’t worry about it, but adjust your risk threshold accordingly.
But if you’re reading this on a smartphone in the third-world, or parts of NYC and probably southern swampy regions, you probably want to boil that water before jamming it against your brain membranes.
To me, nasal irrigation means salt and no-tears shampoo to break up the viral shell - other chemicals may work, anything soapy or acidic should disrupt viral shells - which you vigorously inhale deep into the back of your throat from each nostril, and then let flow from one nostril to the other.
So what the initial inhalation (while you’re covering the far nostril) does, is force all the water up and around through your sinuses and down the back of your throat, which is where post-nasal drip makes its way to the stomach. Also it doesn’t hurt to throw in a gargle of the last little bit at the end, especially if you don’t already gargle with mouthwash or whatever.
Here’s another approach from the comments below, that might be a little easier for some folks to pull off:
“Again, not a doctor either but wanted to add some points that intuitively make sense to me.
Firstly it makes perfect sense to wash with mild soap the very area that SARS-2 establishes itself. The nasal cavity. So thank you for this advice.
I have been doing this all year and it's now second nature. It feels perfectly normal now. It's actually a satisfying feeling so keep going if it's something that people initially struggle with.
Using the cheap NeilMed rinse bottles is my preferred method, the kits have most of what you need to get going.
Being able to squeeze the bottle let's me control the flow. So I squeeze slowly, take my time and try to be as relaxed as possible. I figure any tension might close up any cavities where I want to rinse. The slow flow means the soap is in contact for a longer period and I don't want it to pop through into my ears either.
But then a good amount of agitation like you demonstrate in the video might be useful in dislodging dirt and viruses. I just think be careful out there and don't damage your inner cavities.
Like you I inhale the mixture as I am rinsing which is essentially like giving a quick snort up. The liquid then comes back down into your mouth. Don't worry your reflexes will stop you choking. Relax!
In fact if I am really relaxed I can get the rinse to drain through my mouth and nose at the same time. This is helped by the squeeze bottle allowing me to control the flow.
I use boiled water that I store and allow to cool in glass bottles. I fill the Neil Med rinse bottle with salt sachet, no more tears and the water to just below the line. Then I top up to the line with freshly boiled water. Test on your hand before but ideally you want it at body temperature.
One thing some of the zero coviders don't really accept is how problematic mask wearing can be. Any social anxiety is sky rocketed for people masking up in an anti mask environment.
Sure it's easy to just say, 'I don't give a shit what people think', but that's no good if you're putting a target on yourself for harassment.
So try to scope out your area, find the shops that are quiet in nicer areas, look for places with open frontages that have plenty of fresh air coming.
Stay sane.”
And although this is very much a theory, I’m pretty sure post-nasal drip is an evolutionary response to airborne pathogens, since they’re able to be trapped and killed in our nostrils, and then have their carcasses passed down into our stomachs where our immune systems are able to process them and begin to learn immunity against them. So you want to get that initial inhalation to rinse-out all the areas inside that air goes through, and not just let the water drain across as most videos demonstrate, both to clean everything out and accelerate the process of post-nasal drip.
Most of this comes from the observation that picking and eating boogers is still fantastic despite the lies my preschool teacher told me, and I can’t think of any reason for that to be so ingrained into humans for there not to be a benefit. Could this technique eventually lead to a stroke or something? Dunno I’m not a doctor, this isn’t medical advice, good luck.
But whether or not you ever want to wear a mask, doing nasal irrigation anytime you might’ve been exposed at all is the best first line of defense I can offer. After I had to spend some time in the emergency vet, another dog in the house took some light damage from a groundhog that my adopted twelve-year old husky then ganked like a prison snitch, I did at least a half-dozen rinses. If I sneeze?
Rinse. Nose itches inside? Rinse. Weird smell? Rinse.
Plus you can do your own googling, but I bet it’s been demonstrated to help with allergies as well, which means it should help with dust and mold and whatever else. After that there’s nutrients that are worth keeping track of, loosely in order or importance: Vitamin D, selenium, zinc, quercetin, magnesium all have demonstrated immune benefits in general.
And there’s lots of veggies that’ll probably help, but not everyone can get fresh veggies now and it’s gonna get a lot harder, so you’re gonna want to secure some kinda of access to the above nutrients to give yourself the best shot.
I’m planning on updating this with anything useful that comes from the comments below, and although the next long writing piece is still a ways out, more Live Readings will be on the way for subscribers over the coming weeks, assuming no more critters decide to go down swinging in the backyard. But once I finish about three-and-a-half books from the almost-finished pile below that I put your subscriptions to use buying that I’ve been working through, I’ll be able to start the next big piece!!
So while you’re waiting I’d highly suggest the dreamers down from the mountain series, since although the next piece will make sense without it if you’ve ever been inside a place of worship, it’s a direct continuation of those writings.
Which in their own way are an accidental continuation of Golden Silkworms in Pandora’s Box.
So although I started writing dreamers having no idea how long it would be or where it would end up at all, turns out this third and final piece will do to organized religion what the first two did to biology and a bunch of other scientific fields, and really tie everything together.
“When the rich play god, it’s the poor who die.”
So while writing Azrael’s Inoculation Against a Hardened Heart one of the the most powerful memories that kept flooding back was eating all of the weird vegetable crap during the Episcopalian Passovers my parents took me to throughout most of my childhood, with at least once being among the actual Jews on my dad’s side of the family, which I very fondly remember in a packed house among all of his extended family - many of whom I’d never met, but they all seemed excited to meet me.
That weird vegetable crap, the maror, might have been one of the more important parts of the entire formulation. Which makes this suggestion from Jennifer Depew in the comments below, all the more interesting:
“Pomegranate peel is an antidote to the FCS. It inhibits the cleavage and helps in many other ways. The outer peel can be air dried and is quite potent, just a couple little pieces in a pot of tea, drink a little every day or more often if sick.”
So if that kind of thing interests you, you’ll find more of her work in downloadable form here:
And more information about pomegranates and more nutritional ideas here:
Very helpful, thank you. I have been a little concerned about the self protection idea. If a gang came to rob my parent's house I wouldn't have much more than a large rolling pin and a mad attitude to help me. I have hesitated to get more armed, too much pacifist in me.
Intranasal rinse is a very good prevention but if an infection starts then it is not a treatment. Specifically prevention, stop infections in the nose.
The Inuit have a different about boogers - I agree with you not your preschool teacher. Part of our immune system.
Re self care - pomegranate peel is an antidote to the FCS. It inhibits the cleavage and helps in many other ways. The outer peel can be air dried and is quite potent, just a couple little pieces in a pot of tea, drink a little every day or more often if sick.
My Protocol Collation document and others are linked in this post:
Low vitamin A during infection, then elevated Retinoic Acid during LongCovid may be factors that I have been writing about - current summary:
This writing is much more accessible than the pinned tweets. Well done. I hope people will listen when this travels out there.
One thing I think is a mistake, is your references to being in clink for sexual predatory. AFAIK you had consensual sex with your partner who was an under-age girl. Far more innocuous than what people may think when their minds go frothing at the "mouth"? Putting all sorts of acts on you that you didn't do. You know how people judge others!
Anyways, history is full of those, ahead of their time and unappreciated during their life. I pray that you will be listened to by real people now. I mean who gives a shit about the corrupt scientists, academics and pols. Traitors abound here in USA. A one-way ticket to Mars for the lot of them would be appropriate.