Humanity's "Missing Link"

Why all the assumptions behind “Out of Africa” are based on the flawed science of the Neutral Theory, and why Maximum Genetic Diversity will replace it and correctly point to our origins in Asia.

梦想家从山上降下来 - dreamers down from the mountains - part one: Why the secrets to humanity's origins as well as our shared fate can only be found within the myths, fables, and dreams we left behind on the Roof of the World.

dreamers down from the mountains - الحالمون ينزلون من الجبال - part ii: Close your eyes and follow humanity's tale back through the fabric of the cosmos, across the gravitational rainbow, and into the myths and stories that make us who we are.

parte tres - soñadoras desde las montañas - dreamers down from the mountains: Place your hand on the past and learn what ancient fishes can teach us about the meaning of True Love, and why we've always been much closer to each other than we've been allowed to think.

dreamers down from the mountains - part iv - חולמים יורדים מההרים: Listen to the ancient whispers of the gods as they try and warn all of us against what happens when humanity forgets where we came from, and we attempt to break away from the stories that forged us.

“The dreamers of the day are dangerous men” - dreamers down from the mountains - part v: “I will open my mouth with a parable, I will utter enigmas hidden from the beginning - stories that we have heard and known, that our ancestors have handed down to us.”

Maximum Genetic Diversity (MGD): A scientific hypothesis explaining why mutation rates are not consistent across species, or regions of the genome.

the racism instinct: Could humanity's propensity for out-group hate be rooted in more immunologically perilous times?